Saturday, June 08, 2013

The Little Garden That Couldn't

I've attempted numerous times over the years to transform the tiny patch of dirt in front of my house into something resembling a garden. The only thing me and my brown thumb have to show for it is a half-empty bag of fertilizer that has possibly taken root. Oh, well.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Face, the Facts

It's a mistake to discuss drawing and photography in terms of which is the superior art. On the other hand, there is a fundamental aesthetic difference, and I've never met a photographer who disagreed with me about this. Photography is the record of a single instant, whereas drawing (as well painting) records the relationship between subject and artist over a period of time and therefore incorporates the concept of change.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Tools of the "Trade"

I like to carry these with me in a small shoulder bag, sketch book and bandolier (pen and pencil caddy), Moleskin watercolor pad, Winsor and Newton portable watercolor box, and brushes. I found the brush set and wooden box in an art supply shop in Cortona. It was in the window, the only one they had (the box, not the window), and I knew I wanted it. The bandolier, made from recycled materials, was the perfect solution to those times I only carry the sketchbook. I saw an ad for it on the Urban Sketchers website ( and ordered it on line from